Today on the Clean Power Hour, host Tim Montague sits down with Peter Oprysko, Key Accounts Manager at CPS America, the nation's leading three-phase string inverter manufacturer. Peter shares valuable insights on how string i...
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John Weaver, co-host, known as "The Commercial Solar Guy," has over a decade of experience in selling and developing solar power projects - he knows his stuff! John is a writer for PV Magazine USA, where he reports on solar industry data, equipment, manufacturers, trends, legislation, projects, finance and more.
Host & Creator
Tim Montague is a solar developer, solar & storage expert, coach, and consultant with over 30 years of experience in technology, sustainability, and triple bottom line business. As President of the Clean Power Consulting Group and host and creator of the Clean Power Hour podcast, Tim has helped dozens of technology entrepreneurs and businesses grow and create a positive impact. His motto is "Let's grow solar & storage!"