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Communicating Clean Energy Solutions - Conservative Lens

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Join us on the Clean Power Hour with Kayla Ventura, Digital Communications Manager at the Conservative Energy Network. 🌿 She's on a mission to bridge understanding and promote clean energy from a conservative perspective. 🌟

In this episode, Kayla shares insights from her background in speech training and communications, emphasizing tailored messages, minimizing filler words, and the power of pauses. 🗣️

Discover the Conservative Energy Podcast, where Kayla spotlights leaders advancing renewable energy projects across America, like Ed Rivet. 🎙️

This conversation offers practical tips for better communication about renewable energy. 🌎 Let's embrace the clean energy transition together! 🚀

Key Takeaways
1. How can clean energy advocates better tailor their messaging to connect with diverse audiences?
2. What communication tips help eliminate filler words and improve public speaking skills?
3. How is the Conservative Energy Network bringing conservative perspectives to the renewable energy transition?
4. What stories and voices help show the positive local impacts of clean energy projects?
5. Why is it so important to urgently deploy renewable energy and storage technologies now?

Check out the Clean Power Hour podcast 🎙️ - your source for cleantech and clean energy news! 🌿💡

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