Chinese Solar Ban | 100% Renewable Grid | Tesla GigaTexas | Clean Power Hour Ep.49

US Bans Forced Labor related solar panels coming from China
Large-Scale Simulations Show U.S. Can Get Close to 100% Renewable Generation Cost-Effectively
The roof is on at Tesla Giga-Austin
Clean Energy Legislation: Oregon working on clean energy legislation - Illinois stalls
And, hey, how about a tax credit for the solar panel manufacturing supply chain in the USA?
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**Hit that bell for the energy transition
Let’s grow solar! -Tim Montague, host & creator, @TGMontague on Twitter
Today on the Clean Power Hour (Ep.49):
US Bans Forced Labor involved solar products...all U.S. ports of entry have been instructed to immediately begin detaining shipments that contain silica-based products made by Hoshine or materials and goods derived from or produced using those silica-based products'
Large-Scale Simulations Show U.S. Can Get Close to 100% Renewable Generation Cost-Effectively
'least-cost RE buildout 57%...CO2 abatement costs of 80%, 90%, 95%, and 100% RE are $25, $33, $40, and $61/ton, respectively, with system costs growing from $30 to $36/MWh at 95% (achieved in 2040) and $39/MWh at 100%. 99% to 100% is $930/ton, driven by firm RE capacity.'
Original pub:
Austin Gigafactory Update - been too long
Project of the Week - 6.7 MW Rooftop Array in MA
Oregon bill targets 100% clean power by 2040, with labor and environmental justice on board
Did the USA hit 50% co2 free kWhs last month? Find out in a month...
Solar manufacturing tax credit:
*modules - 11¢ times capacity
*cell - 4¢ times capacity
*wafer - $12 per square meter,
*polysilicon - $3 per kg
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**Hit that bell for the energy transition
Let’s grow solar! -Tim Montague, host & creator, @TGMontague on Twitter
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