April 28, 2021

Covid Knocks 20 Gigawatts Off Global Solar Installations | Clean Power Hour Ep.10

Covid Knocks 20 Gigawatts Off Global Solar Installations | Clean Power Hour Ep.10

The world will add 142 GW of new solar this year - Covid-19 is knocking 20 GW off the anticipated amount of solar that will get installed this year.  ​

MA Solar Market

Floating solar at fort Bragg NC, the US Army's largest base. ​
RTO insider 'past 10 years in CA, average 1 GW/yr solar and 330 MW wind' to reach SB100 2045 goals - 'modelers estimate annual build rate of 2.7 GW of solar, 2.2 GW of storage and 1 GW of wind each year over the next 25 years'”
Behind the meter solar near 10 GW in California, seen clearly in this chart

Energy storage popping in Q2 even with Covid slowing, behind the meter residential energy storage grew even as solar slowed in the quarter.  https://www.greentechmedia.com/articl...

Building Electrification Helps Illinois Reach Climate Goals

Bird deaths reduced by 70% by painting one wind turbine blade black - news from Norway

Since we’re big Elon Musk fans - ‘a can that flies’

The Clean Power Hour is brought to you by Continental Energy Solutions with host Tim Montague, NABCEP PV Technical Sales. Continental is the largest commercial & industrial solar installer (solar EPC) in Illinois with over 100 projects and 60 MW of rooftop, ground mount and utility scale solar installations in the Midwest.

The Clean Power Hour is produced by the Clean Power Consulting Group and created by Tim Montague. Please subscribe on your favorite audio platform and on Youtube: bit.ly/cph-sub | www.CleanPowerHour.com | contact us by email:  CleanPowerHour@gmail.com | Speeding the energy transition!