The Clean Power Hour is brought to you by Chint Power Systems - thank you for speeding the energy transition!

Season 1

Oct. 4, 2022

John O’Donnell, CEO of Rondo Energy | Decarbonizing Industrial Heat E…

According to the International Energy Agency, three quarters of the energy used by industry is not in the form of electricity. It's in the form of heat. And that industrial heat accounts for about a quarter of the world’s gre...

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Sept. 27, 2022

Yoann Hispa, CEO of LandGate | Building a Marketplace for Solar Devel…

Historically, it has been challenging for solar and wind developers to find an appropriate parcel of land, conduct an accurate valuation, and then make contact with the landowner. But now there is a marketplace for land resou...

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Sept. 20, 2022

John Belizaire, CEO of Soluna Computing | Monetizing Excess Renewable…

When a grid gets congested, the excess energy generated at renewable plants is wasted. But what if there was something we could do to mitigate that curtailment and monetize our excess wind, solar or hydroelectric power? John ...

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Sept. 13, 2022

Michael Eyman, Managing Director at Origis Services | O&M and Asset M…

With the signing of the Inflation Reduction Act , the solar industry is projected to grow by leaps and bounds in the next several years. But such rapid growth is not without its challenges. How do we address the labor shortag...

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Sept. 6, 2022

Michael Marsch, Chief Development Officer at BlueWave Solar | Agrivol…

In the early days of solar development, we built solar farms and then locked the gate and walked away, completely missing the opportunity to the use the land under the panels for a productive, long-term purpose. Enter agrivol...

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Aug. 30, 2022

Antonia Ginsberg-Klemmt, President of GismoPower | Mobile Solar Carpo…

Even if they want to go solar, most middle-income Americans can’t afford it. Or maybe they rent or move frequently and can’t take rooftop solar with them when they go. And those who live in areas with frequent natural disaste...

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Aug. 23, 2022

Jay Caspary, VP of Grid Strategies | Building a Reliable, Clean Grid …

The entire infrastructure of our economy depends on a reliable grid. And the work we are doing to decarbonize will only increase demands on the grid moving forward. So, how do we look into the future? What are we doing to upg...

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Aug. 16, 2022

Michael Burz, CEO of Enzinc | The Benefits of Zinc for Battery Storag…

Lead-acid batteries are heavy and highly toxic. Lithium-ion is lighter but tends to catch fire and requires a thermal management system to regulate its temperature. So, Michael Burz, President and CEO at Enzinc , is developin...

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Aug. 9, 2022

Nobel Chang, Cofounder and Managing Partner of Palladium Energy | A D…

Solar is an unpredictable industry. Government incentives drive an uptick in the market for a few years. And then high-profile bankruptcies and severe tariffs put the brakes on development for a year or two. But those of us c...

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Aug. 2, 2022

Sharat Singh, CEO of Quadrical AI | Advanced Data Analytics for Solar…

Solar asset managers are dealing with a number of variables, among them soiling, shading, weather conditions and the degradation of equipment. And while supervisory control and data acquisition or SCADA systems support the de...

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July 26, 2022

McKenna Dunbar, Building Electrification Lead at Sierra Club|Promotin…

The communities that contribute the least to climate change are impacted by it the most. And that’s a disheartening thing for Gen Zers to discover. But the antidote to anxiety is action. So, what can young people do to advoca...

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July 12, 2022

Etienne Lecompte, CEO of PowerHub | Asset Management Software for Ren…

It’s awe-inspiring to consider that renewable energy transforms weather into electrons and then into dollars. And yet, many asset managers are still operating with spreadsheets, notebooks and post-its. So, how do we encourage...

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July 5, 2022

Alfonso Barrenechea of Solar Plaza | Asset Management Texas Ep.93

Get a 10% discount to attend Solar Plaza Asset Management Texas with discount code: CPH22. Bringing solar professionals together in-person is Sol...

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June 28, 2022

Bill Shevlin, CEO of Mavericks Microgrids | The ROI of a Microgrid Ep…

Get a 15% discount to attend Midwest Solar Expo with discount code: CPH15. , the premier B2B solar and clean energy event in the region. The beauty of a microgrid is that it connects with the traditi...

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June 21, 2022

John King of Hyperlight on Next-Generation CSP Technology Ep.91

Get a 15% discount to attend Midwest Solar Expo with discount code: CPH15. , the premier B2B solar and clean energy event in the region. The downside of solar energy is that it cannot be generated at...

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June 14, 2022

What Rising Energy Prices Mean for Renewables with Michael Decaluwe o…

Get a 15% discount to attend Midwest Solar Expo with discount code: CPH15. , the premier B2B solar and clean energy event in the region. The cost of energy is on the rise here in the US and around th...

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June 7, 2022

Saad Dara and Francisco Velasco of Mangrove Lithium | Streamlining Li…

Production of high-quality lithium presents a complex problem. Sourcing lithium is difficult and making high-purity lithium is costly. Lithium is sourced from recycling of lithium-ion batteries or extracting it from a brine...

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May 31, 2022

Dave Roberts | Is Climate Change an Existential Threat? Ep.88

One barrel of oil equals the manual labor energy of one human for five years. This fact explains why humans are strapped to fossil fuels: entire economies and lifestyles are based on the easy availability of fossil fuels. H...

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May 24, 2022

Mark Settles and Jim Spano of Sol-REIT | Improving Economics for Sola…

Get a 15% discount to attend Midwest Solar Expo with discount code: CPH15., the premier B2B solar and clean energy event in the region. These guys know solar. These guys know financing. Put that to...

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May 17, 2022

Tyler Duvelius, Jon Carson, Robin Pressman and Mike Casey | Easing Pr…

Get a 15% discount to attend Midwest Solar Expo with discount code: CPH15. , the premier B2B solar and clean energy event in the region. Solar developers are well aware of the energy it takes to win ...

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May 10, 2022

Sean White, Master Solar PV Trainer | Training Solar Professionals fo…

Get a 15% discount to attend Midwest Solar Expo with discount code: CPH15. , the premier B2B solar and clean energy event in the region. As innovation in solar chugs along and consumer perception cli...

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May 3, 2022

Scott Nguyen, CEO of Bodhi | Faster Solar Adoption via Improved Custo…

Get a 15% discount to attend Midwest Solar Expo with discount code: CPH15. , the premier B2B solar and clean energy event in the region. What happens when a home solar install company lacks a smooth ...

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April 26, 2022

Jigar Shah | Scaling the Gigaton Decarbonization Economy Ep.83

Get a 15% discount to attend Midwest Solar Expo with discount code: CPH15. , the premier B2B solar and clean energy event in the region. The first Tesla Model S came to be with an initial half-billio...

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April 19, 2022

Mastermind Roundtable with Cliff Ravenscraft & Deacon Bradley Ep.82

Get a 15% discount to attend Midwest Solar Expo with discount code: CPH15. , the premier B2B solar and clean energy event in the region. To speed the clean energy transition, we need innovative busin...

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