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Poison Pill for the IRA: Old White Men are Ruining the Future for Young People with Peter Montague

Welcome to the Clean Power Hour! On today’s show, Tim Montague will be reading an article by our special guest Peter Montague. Peter Montague is an author, historian, activist, journalist, and expert on environmental health. He is the author of two books: Mercury and No World Without End and has written over 1, 000 articles on the subject of climate change, environmental health, and democracy.

On today’s show we read the article, Old White Men Are Sacrificing the Future of Young People. It tells how the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) contains a poison pill that incentivizes oil companies to pump hard to get oil using enhanced oil recovery with CO2. Tune in to hear this insightful article from an environmental health expert and an activist who cares deeply about the future of our planet and the young people who will shape it.