The Clean Power Hour is brought to you by Chint Power Systems - thank you for speeding the energy transition!


Nov. 17, 2021

How to Become a Host of a Auction I Renewable Energy - Mike Nemer

Mike Nemer is the President and CEO at eRENEWABLE LLC, podcaster, energy expert, advisor, speaker, and more! In this short video, you will learn what it takes to become an auction host and how do auctions work? Watch the full episode Here! #cleanpowerhour #cleanenergy #podcast #MikeNemer ______________________________________________________ Join us…

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Nov. 14, 2021

Gravity Batteries are The Next Big Thing? Illinois New Clean Energy Legislation?

#60 Are Gravity Batteries the next big thing? How will Illinois' clean energy legislation impact the market? It's all here on this week's news round-up on the Clean Power Hour. Reconsilience package seems like it might be signed finally, here’s a list of key high-level costs. Includes a 30% solar…

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Nov. 11, 2021

What is eRENEWABLe? I Renewable Energy - Mike Nemer

Mike Nemer is the President and CEO at eRENEWABLE LLC, podcaster, energy expert, advisor, speaker, and more! In this short video, you will learn what eRENEWABLE is and how it's changing the Solar industry Watch full episode: #cleanpowerhour #cleanenergy #podcast #MikeNemer ______________________________________________________ Join us in speeding the clean energy…

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Nov. 9, 2021

Illinois is Getting a New Nuclear Energy Legislation? - Clean Power Hour

Illinois gets new clean energy legislation, Tax credits, and more! Supply chain issues are gonna get worse before they get better Reconsilience package seems like it might be signed finally, here’s a list of key high-level costs. Includes a 30% solar tax credit, direct pay. Energy Vault gets an…

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Nov. 8, 2021

The Clean Power Hour Podcast

The Clean Power Hour podcast is on a mission to speed the energy transition. Tim Montague and John Weaver highlight tools, technologies and innovators shaping the next generation of renewable energy sources. We discuss the latest solar PV, battery storage, wind, water, wave and other low carbon technologies. We answer…

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Nov. 4, 2021

Solar Energy Auctions with eRENEWABLE CEO - Mike Nemer

Mike Nemer is the President and CEO at eRENEWABLE LLC, podcaster, energy expert, advisor, speaker, and more! Mike Nemer has developed a live auction platform for solar, wind and battery storage project PPAs, the sale of portfolio assets, and other clean energy RFP applications. If you’re a developer looking to…

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